
Monday, September 6, 2021


Hello Dear Egypt

I hear of Nefertiti
A goddess of wonders
With myth, healing, sun and moon
Tell me more!

I hear much
Of air, fertility, wind, magic
A goddess of the sky
Water, Nile and safety
I want to know more!

I know of Pharaoh
I have heard of mummies
The pyramids and civilization
Arts, scholars, shrines, rituals and temples
O tell me more,
Egypt of signs!

Nefertiti, Queen or goddess, or both
Royalty, wife, dynasty, ruler or leader
So powerful, influential, natural,
My ears itch to hear and learn
O Egypt of ancient wonders!

Egypt of old creation
How wonderful, how amazing
I would not mind visiting,
When I do, please take me round
Show me your reality
And teach me history.

Oh, I am a goddess
I have no myths
And I believe in God Almighty,
I read the Bible
And follow its rules
O Egypt, native Egypt, peace be unto you!

© Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha is a Nigerian poet/writer/thinker, a graduate of Estate Management with experience in Banking and Broadcasting. She has authored twenty three poetry books, all published outside Nigeria, she has published over two hundred and eighty pieces in over twenty five countries, she has equally featured in over eighty international anthologies, and some of her pieces have been translated and published in Spanish, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Farsi, Arabic, Macedonian, Khloe, and other languages. Her pieces have been nominated for Pushcart prize, Best of the Net Awards, and she has also won some awards. She's a tailor, and some of her books are in some foreign libraries including the United States' Library of Congress. 

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