
Tuesday, July 13, 2021


I wonder deep and get lost
As I wander far and via off
I derail and fail down the rail
Moving slowly like the snail
Yet get soaked in the rain of pain.

I cannot comprehend life
Events torment me to the bones
Circumstances drill me dry
Situations drag me in the mud
Conditions pull my muscles
I cry in fear and weep in wear
As mysteries throw us up and down.

Morals have become traps
Principles have turn delays
Self-discipline is now a grave
And self-control a disqualification,
I don't understand life
I can't comprehend mysteries
People take advantage of the meek.

No wonder majority follow the bandwagon
No wonder they turn a madding crowd
And create animal kingdoms
If that would take them to stardom
Or cure their boredom.

Help me, hold my hand
Let my head not covered in sand
Nor my face buried in shame
Let my feet aright, alright, rightly stand.

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria
Painting by Sandhya Dwivedi

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