
Tuesday, July 13, 2021


I wonder deep and get lost
As I wander far and via off
I derail and fail down the rail
Moving slowly like the snail
Yet get soaked in the rain of pain.

I cannot comprehend life
Events torment me to the bones
Circumstances drill me dry
Situations drag me in the mud
Conditions pull my muscles
I cry in fear and weep in wear
As mysteries throw us up and down.

Morals have become traps
Principles have turn delays
Self-discipline is now a grave
And self-control a disqualification,
I don't understand life
I can't comprehend mysteries
People take advantage of the meek.

No wonder majority follow the bandwagon
No wonder they turn a madding crowd
And create animal kingdoms
If that would take them to stardom
Or cure their boredom.

Help me, hold my hand
Let my head not covered in sand
Nor my face buried in shame
Let my feet aright, alright, rightly stand.

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria
Painting by Sandhya Dwivedi

Saturday, July 10, 2021


Here is my piece for all
Concerning marriage,
No matter how blind your love
And how deep your feelings
Beware of where you go.

Culture, tradition, religion, tribe and race
Dreams, visions, beliefs, goals and passions
Ambitions, and aspirations, 
Understanding, care, and affection
All these make or mar unions.

Parallel people dare not bond
Opposite believers cannot merge
Infatuations and fantasies
Dreams, daydreams and realities
These raise alarms.

Pretence does not last
Lies flop along the line
Deceit does more harm
Charms fade with time,
Beware of demons in angelic robes.

Masquerades, wolves in sheep's clothing
Robbers in watchmen's apparel
Pedophiles as guardians
These ruin homes.

Cheating, infidelity, excessive rage
Violence, abuse, misunderstanding
Mistreatment, distrust, disrespect
Slavery, bondage, overdependence
Laziness, carelessness, and gossip
No home survives these hurdles.

There is always a boundary
Within, is acceptable
Without, is unbearable
Marriage is not for kids.

Sex, change of status
Having children and license to born
Flashy rings and costly jewels
Flamboyance and luxury
The makeup and makeover
They all glitter but are not gold.

Marriage is for mutual interests
Never is it for parasites,
Give peace and get it back
Sow love and reap same
Plant care and harvest so
Cultivate home and enjoy such,
A word is enough for the wise.

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria

Monday, July 5, 2021

Had I

Had I been around you.

To feel your scents of piousness,
That makes my inner child dance,
Like a damsel of remote village.

Had I been around you.
To feel your warm embrace,
That makes me feel sensual,
Like a bride of first night.

Had I been around you.
To feel your vibes of heart,
That makes me sing ballads of love,
Like the cuckoo of high hills.

Had I been around you.
To feel your prime of days gone by,
That makes me melancholic,
Like a solider, lost his friend in a war.

© Farooq kuchay, India
Painting by Sandhya Dwivedi, India

Sunday, July 4, 2021



Race in the modern world is a phase, from which no one can chase.
Today's world runs after competition and every single contestant runs with the aim to win in it. But unfortunately, everybody can't win it, but everyone aims and will be glad to win. Due to a few vacancies available at the winning position, many have to return home to practice again and to try again the next time. 
Out of those who returns home, only a few of them get motivated, having a positive mindset, learns with the loss
while the others feel demotivated and think that its failure for them in life. 
But actually its not a failure, everyone who participated, practiced well and aimed to win is a winner. Because the winner is just because of luck and a little more efforts. The winners' positions are less that's why it is never a fair competition and not a genuine way to check the power, talent or skills of a particular contestant.
In our world, in a pen paper or online exams, someone can pass with pass by unauthorised tricks such as cheating, corruption, nepotism etc. And after the results of that particular exam, if a particular cheater wins, then he/she will be determined as a winner without any verification or something, whether that person has some good skills or not. That's why, just an examination is never the best way to to check inner talents and exceptional skills.

In India, Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) are officially designated people's groups.
According to SC/ST act (1989), 
Parliament of India enacted to prohibit discrimination , prevent atrocities and hate crimes against the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes.
Other Backward Class (OBC) is a collective term used by the Government of India to classify castes which are educationally or socially disadvantaged.
In the earlier times, those who deserves to be given special rights and reservations, were really worthy as general or higher class people were creating hate crimes, untouchability, discriminations based on caste etc. 
So, in order to provide equal status to them just like general categories, laws were introduced. Moreover, SC, ST & OBC were economically backward classes so the Government of India introduced some special laws especially for them just to cope up with their problems and stand alike in race with the general category. The special laws includes some reserved seats for them in mostly every field.
But nowadays, SC/ST/OBC are on a better position than before even better than those of general category.
They are utilizing their special reservations in the perfect way.
In fact, they have grown to that much standards that they are leaving back the general category. 
Many of the general category people, sitting idle, being unemployed because of lack of jobs and opportunities. As the special VIP treatment i.e reservations even for jobs and opportunities, whether they have that potential/quality or not, quota has been fixed for the SC,ST & OBC. Due to this, many of the general category aspirants, even if they have that talent and quality to get the job/opportunity have to suffer. Because the opportunities are less for them. 
As earlier discussed, in the past, being undeveloped or not of that standard, this special reservation quota was given to the lower classes, but now, most of them are well developed and they are becoming more rich/capable as compared to the general class. So, these reservations and all should be given to those who really need them. There are many people in general category too who deserve to get a respectable/higher position due to their potential but not given because these special reservations are only for the lower classes by name, in actual they are heigher, nowadays. Lower category is now a tag/brand that if you are in it, you will be given VIP rights even if you don't deserve. Laws must be made to give the special reservations to praiseworthy people, those who actually deserve, those who don't have money, but merit, those who are actually illiterate, but are poor to afford education costs or those who are talented/unique to help them rise.
According to Sahaj Sabharwal,
A brand/tag without a quality,
Is like a truth without a reality.
Provide to those who deserve and serve,
Not those who just eat someone's position and their wrong phase they shamelessly observe.

©️Sahaj Sabharwal
Jammu city, Jammu and Kashmir, India


We have to rise and shine

For we bear in us the light,
Light of the world.

We are light
The torch and the lamp bearer,
We share and care.

We rise, still we do
We have to, we need to
We breed light,
Let us light up the world.

Rise, rise the rise
Arise, shine, light, enlighten the dark world
Break the glass, shatter the ceiling
The glass ceiling, the wooden
Natural and manmade barriers.

Unconventional light shine, uncommon light glow 
Fears rock, doubts roll,
Stigmas row, dogmas crow
Discrimination rage, segregation cage
Cultures mesmerize, traditions massacre
Religion blind, hate banish
Racism bury, rape kill
Violence truncate, violation rule
Laws quench, hunger and thirst advance.
Rise, dear women! 

Step out, step up, step right
You are the rise
And the rising sun
Hope and beauty, glory and honour
Rise, shine your light!

Shatter the ceilings, all, all of them
Break the stereotypes, dance
Run the race, grace is enough
Brace up, fall in, fall out!

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria


There are voices in the dark

Yearning and yawning to be heard,
They are hidden, stigmatized
And some truncated.

See, they die in trauma and with trauma
They are sick of trauma
Down, downcast, downtrodden in downtown
They look yonder and they wonder
Because they are marginalized.

Hunger, poverty, segregation, discrimination
Hate, bitterness and greed against them,
No one ever cares to hear or save them.

Voices, chants, prayers, wishes and dreams
Visions, missions and assignments
They wander in chaos
And wonder in bias,
Life dawns darkness on them.

Look, hear them roar, listen, help them soar
They have wings like eagles
Let them live without shackles.


Children are gifts, special gifts
They bear talents and dreams
Lineages hook and line along them
Posterity anchors on them.

We kill them by actions and inactions
Abusing lives and misusing gifts,
We keep them far from peace.

We bring war carefully
And crush them carelessly
Mess them up for pleasure
Ruining futures carelessly and carefully.

Abuses, curses, and fates
Barricading hopes and love
Silencing peace and unity
Demarcating the world.

Children see hell, before being sent to hell
Women taste hell before trekking to hell
The world just hurts.

But we can keep them safe
Develop and love them better,
Children and women are lovely
Great gifts from nature
Beautiful treasures to be cherished
Yet we harm them cruelly.

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria


Was it not yesterday that they struck

And got our corpses loaded in their truck
Dragged our lifeless bodies along valleys
And poured our wasted souls into gullies,
See them, parade in victory.

After the war, they never ceased
Rather they seized every opportunity to kill
Hear them till graves and shallow tombs
Annihilation, marginalization, extermination.

Soldiers, aids, uniforms in concord
A discourse and concourse
Envoy, convoy and voyage
Blood, flooding the carnage.

After the war, they held on
Horrors in pieces and bits
Terrors on nieces and kits
Watch, listen, hear them rage louder!

We rise, yes we do, the muse 
For the rising sun only sets with nature
Rains, clouds, nights and days
Dews, mist, moist, fog, they all gear.

Blood rise in wells
As they ring like bells
Calling forth for peace
Singing songs of love
Writing books of unity
Saying words of progress
Gathering dust of justice
Yet after the war, the pogroms return.

Genocides, homicides, afflictions
Hate, hate upon hate
War, war after war
Call a dog a bad name
And have it publicly beheaded for festival.

In memory of those killed during the Biafran war

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria


The world became very proud and doubts that it will get better creates a profound trail in the heart of man Calm your soul in the blink of a...