
Sunday, July 4, 2021


We have to rise and shine

For we bear in us the light,
Light of the world.

We are light
The torch and the lamp bearer,
We share and care.

We rise, still we do
We have to, we need to
We breed light,
Let us light up the world.

Rise, rise the rise
Arise, shine, light, enlighten the dark world
Break the glass, shatter the ceiling
The glass ceiling, the wooden
Natural and manmade barriers.

Unconventional light shine, uncommon light glow 
Fears rock, doubts roll,
Stigmas row, dogmas crow
Discrimination rage, segregation cage
Cultures mesmerize, traditions massacre
Religion blind, hate banish
Racism bury, rape kill
Violence truncate, violation rule
Laws quench, hunger and thirst advance.
Rise, dear women! 

Step out, step up, step right
You are the rise
And the rising sun
Hope and beauty, glory and honour
Rise, shine your light!

Shatter the ceilings, all, all of them
Break the stereotypes, dance
Run the race, grace is enough
Brace up, fall in, fall out!

©® Ngozi Olivia Osuoha, Nigeria

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The world became very proud and doubts that it will get better creates a profound trail in the heart of man Calm your soul in the blink of a...