
Thursday, May 30, 2024


It was not ordered

love must be given to everyone

give the world some color

for a better existence of humanity

Love is not a grain of rice

so let's take it easy

just because one quarrel

changes things and destinies

Love is a vicious circle

but until love becomes constant

we can still lose our dreams

which are woven from existence and embrace

Life is sometimes a lie

but as long as love exists

hope cannot die lightly

because hope is the meaning of life

And love has an expiration date

people would say that lightly

they judged everything without question

and some people they don't even know!

Destiny carved in the bottom of the soul

I guess that's the phrase for us unlucky ones

"Love is not a grain of rice

so that it can be thrown lightly!"

©®Maid Čorbić

Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 24 years old. In his spare time, he writes poetry that has been praised on several occasions, as well as awarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and is the moderator of the WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for unity and world peace in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the portal of the First Virtual Art Universe, led by Dijana Uherek Stevanović, and the selector of the competition on the page of the same name, which aims to connect all poets around the world.


Many works have also been published in anthologies and magazines (Chile, Spain, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Salvador, United Kingdom, Indonesia, India, Croatia, Serbia, etc.) as well as printed copies of the anthology of poems "Sea in the palm of your hand", " Stories from Isolation ", and" Kosovo Peony "and others. Through his efforts and work, he has reached numerous acquaintances around the world, and in 2020 he was named Poet of the Year in the Indo-Universe Group, which also engages in charity around the world.


He has been writing for over thirteen years, and the beginning dates back to elementary school, when professors recognized the enthusiasm for the written trail, which was initially conducted through competitive competitions, and later with the development of technology outside their country in online format. This author is also even representative in order to represent his country in various international writing competitions, and soon his works will be translated into several languages ​​of the world (Chinese, Italian, French). He is also known for often supporting other authors around the world and is happy to advise on certain concerns with a smile on his face.


Winner of numerous awards, among them the association "KNS - Nova Svjetlost" in Sarajevo, during which he won a bronze charter for his work, which was evaluated by an international jury. Numerous revisions have been written about him, and he has also published many pages about both the world and the domestic scene. He is also the winner of the competition "Poets who touch love" with the Golden Triptych about his work, which had a character on the occasion of St. Trifundana. His works are an inspiration even to well-known people who really give great revisions and support.


Ambassador of cultural differences in Syria, and recently presented on the blog "New Story" as a young author who has won numerous awards and a person worthy of attention. In 2020, the winning country was Montenegro. He is currently on the jury of the Galaxia International Competition for Unpublished Poetry in Spain in 2021 as the only author in the Balkans to be an author, and was soon promoted as a global artist.


He is the winner of the BigBang competition that was organized in Tuzla in 2021. He is the winner of the Arts and Culture category by the Jury, but is also a translator in the Chateau Square group where he revises poetry and prose, as well as in Point Editions in Germany, which also translates written works. In ILA Magazine's he is also a travel translator, as well as in the Association of Balkan Artists as a selector. He is a translator on the ITHACA site run by Germain Droogembrodth from Germany, and is also the author with the highest number of successes in his industry, poetry that has over ten thousand successes virtually, as well as several publications around the world that have been published.


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