
Friday, August 26, 2022

Poems by Harinder Cheema


1- Wise Or Otherwise

A poet bleeds several times from the heart in just one creation

He has to press his wounds and scars for the stimulation 

As he cries and shrieks in pain, you feel the pleasure

Some words drawn from his feelings are his only treasure

He does not understand the stock market's fall and rise

And that is why a good poet is not worldly wise.

2-  The God's Trick

The earth seems flat ,but it's shape is round,

Long back the intelligent man had found,

And thought it was a great victory,

To have made this discovery.

He knew not that the God was having fun,

To see him, round and round , run.

It was a trick, to keep the man engaged,

Just as we give toys to the children of young age.

3. The Boiling of Blood

Making a cup of tea I observed,

How on heating the water boiled.

The water was boiling in the pot

The heat from the stove was making it hot,

But what makes the blood boil is still a mystery

I tried asking the students of chemistry

The boiling of blood in the present age

Is the  cause of cold blooded murders and the road rage.

© Harinder Cheema

Chandigarh, India 

Harinder Cheema is a well-known global poet and an award winning author. She is the author of two Books, entitled," The Temple Stop"and " Soul Chants", A Collection Of Poetic Hymns. Her novel 'The Temple Stop' is the recipient of 'The Best Book of the Year Award 2020' by Aghaaz, Author In You and she has received the honour and title of the MASTER OF CREATIVE IMPULSE “ By WORLD LITERATURE INDIA for her poetry Book entitled, “Soul Chants “in 2022. She has received "Naji Naaman International Honor Prize for Complete Work in 2022". She is the co-author of 30 poetry anthologies and her articles have been published in various prestigious International magazines. Her short stories have been published in the coffee table books and she is also the proud recipient of many prestigious  global awards and honours in the field of Literature.


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