
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Poems by Ngozi Olivia Osuoha


Dear world
I have watched with bitterness what you have done to yourself
You have crushed your foundation and laid bare your base,
You also have crashed your pillars
And buried your sight,
Now you fight with all your might.

Dear world
Look, I am tired of praying for you as you swell up in hate,
My prayers have piled up to the skies and heavens
I feel weak and numb to pray more as you continue to prey on yourself,
See, how happy you feel wanting to die,
O how eager you run to kill yourself.

Dear world
I am so ashamed of all you have done
You squashed unity and peace
You spoiled sanity and sense
Dear world, why are you so mean and cruel to yourself?

Do not say I never warned you
Never cry, I did not tell you
See, the dangers you were warned of have all happened, yet you wouldn't learn,
The atrocities you have done now chase you, yet you pride in them,
I have come to warn you again all over
I know you may never heed
Because your ears are deaf, and your eyes so blind.

Desist from evil, make haste to change
Stop the calamities you build
Refrain from the terrors you upload
Abstain from the horrors you upgrade
Contain the errors you download
Change, make the world a better place
No matter your pace, find a space
Show your face, and receive grace
Run, and win the race.


I am just a voice
With message not noise,
Listen, and hear.

I have come, I am here
I wail, weep and wait
I hope and watch and pray
I did not keep mute.

As a flute, I blow loud
As a trumpet, I play into the crowd
As a pipe, I sound into the cloud
Hear me loud and clear
I did not keep mute.

Let generations unborn, hear me
Let the living take note,
Let the dead, feel me
Let heaven and earth witness;
That I did not keep mute.

Let my light shine in darkness,
in this dark world
Let my echo sound in emptiness,
in this empty world
Let my nuance fly in sadness,
in this sad world
Let my aim search the wilderness,
in this wild world
Let my anger avenge ugliness,
in this ugly world
Because I cannot keep mute.

I cannot keep mute, I am a flute
I cannot be bound, I am a parachute,
Dance to this music, this song of bitterness
Align with the rhythm; this melody of restlessness
Know it, say it, I did not keep mute.

Bear me witness again; louder
I did not keep mute, never did I
To this world of recklessness and woeful-ness
Please tell them, I was never comfortable!

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha is a Nigerian poet/writer/thinker/author. She's a graduate of Estate Management with experience in Banking and Broadcasting. She has featured in over one hundred and ten international anthologies and has equally published over three hundred and twenty poems in over forty countries. She has authored twenty three poetry books and some of them are archived in the United States' Library of Congress. She is also a tailor.

Some of her poems have been nominated for both the Best Of The Net Awards and Pushcart Prize.
Some of her works have also been translated into and published in some languages, including Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Macedonian, Russian, Romanian, Khloe, Polish, Assamese, Scots, Hindi, Serbian among others.


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